Sew Eco Fabrics is Coming to You!
Our mission: To visit a Sewing Social once a month around the country 'popping up the shop' so you can shop in person!
Find our Dates & Locations where You will Find Us below.
Keep checking back, as we'll add more dates.
Current Dates
9th February
15 March
Hampshire Sews (Sewing Day)
For bookings email Kate @ hampshiresewingcircle@gmail.com
5th April
Norwich Sewing (Retreat)
Event Sold Out. To be placed on waiting list email hello@norwichsewcials.com
3rd May
7th June
Southern Sewcial (Sewing Day)
For Tickets email Sam & Mary at southernsewcial@gmail.com
Redhill Sewcial (Sewing Day)
Dates TBC.
8th-10th August
Later dates to be confirmed.
Please keep checking back.

We can't wait to Meet You!
See you soon, Rosie x